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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Tuhan Bersama Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir (T-Shirt Edition)

*Aaaaaaammmmmiiiiiinnnnn ya Alloh*

Keren ga kaosnya guys..???
ga sengaja nemu di sini
minat banget deh buat order..tapi sayang masih close...
tp ga papalah..
yang penting hati udah senang baca apa yang tertulis di kaos itu..

Insyaallah Tuhan Selalu Bersama kami para Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir...

Into The End of My Study..

tau ga artinya apa guys..???
yup,pasti dong..
akhirnya mulai juga deh dengan aktivitas yang satu ini..
setelah melewati lika-likunya dunia KKN selama 2 bulan + 1 bulan Liburan, akhirnya tiba juga di Penghujuang Cinta (lho kok jadi cinta sih...hihi)..maksudnya di penghujuang akhir, yang bukan menjadi akhir dari penghujung akhir yang ada... (Maksudnya????ga ngerti..)
Ribet ah...maksudnya tiba deh di Dunia SKRIPSI..hihi..
Kesibukkan menjadi seorang mahasiswa akhirnya akan terasa kembali..
rasa rindu ngejar-ngejar, Nelponan, SMSan, & ketemuan dengan Dosen akhirnya akan terobati pula..hihi..
Akhirnya semuanya akan berawal mulai hari ini, besok, dan hari-hari berikutnya...
Semoga saja semuanya bisa dilewati dengan mudah, semudah melewati jalan setapak dari rumah gua ke warung sebelah rumah..hihi..
Doain ya guys :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Trouble Is A Friend..???

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you’re fast, no matter if you’re slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh
You’re fine for a while but you start to lose control

He’s there in the dark, he’s there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he’s gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh
So don’t forget as you ease on down the road

So don’t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won’t let him win, but I’m a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!

Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave, I try
Oh oh, I try!

So don’t be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won’t let him win, but I’m a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, oh oh!
Ooo, oh ooo, ooo ahh

Yeah..trouble guys, make it Friend, not Foe...
Can you..???

Download Lenka - Trouble Is a Friend :

Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan

ANDAI ku Gayus Tambunan....
Yang bisa pergi ke Bali....
Semua keinginannya... pasti bisa terpenuhi....
Lucunya di negeri ini....
Hukuman bisa dibeli....
Kita orang yang lemah... pasrah akan keadaan

Guys, pasti langsung tahu dong lirik lagu di atas...
Lagu Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan yang dirilis lewat YouTube beberapa minggu yang lalu kini udah jadi perbincangan publik...
Sang Maestronya adalah si eks narapidana Bona Paputungan (orang Gorontalo loh ) yang wajahnya mirip Gayus jika mengenakan wig...
Beneran loh...

bytheway, udah liat clip videonya blum guys..???
yang belum liat, monggo,, bisa diliat videonya di bawah...

bagi para Hulondhaloan
(orang2 Gorontalo maksudnya..hihi), pasti senyum2 kecil liat clip videonya (Jangan besar2 ya senyumnya :p )
gimana ga..videonya kerasa banget suasana Gorontalo...
apalagi pas scene ada
Bentor lewat..gua senyum2 kecil loh :)
videonya juga rada2 alay sih..
but lucu kok...
Fresh & penuh kreatifitas...

Lets watch Andai Aku Gayus Tambunan Clip Video here....

Mau tahu cerita tentang Bona guys..??? Klik di sini

Note for My Girl : You Are Everthing to Somebody....

----- Right now at this very minute ------

[someone] is very proud of you [someone] is thinking of you

[someone] cares about you [someone] misses you

[someone] wants to be with you [someone] wants to hold your hand

[someone] wants you to be happy [someone] think you ARE a gift

[someone] wants to hug you [someone] loves you

[someone] is thinking of you and smiling

[someone] wants to go out with you and have a lot of fun [someone] wants to protect you

[someone] would do anything for you [someone] wants to be forgiven

[someone]wants to laugh with you about old times [someone] is praising God for you

[someone] wants to tell you how much they care

[someone] wants to share his dreams with you

[someone] wants to hold you in their arms [someone] wants YOU to hold him in your arms

[someone] wants you to know he there for you

[someone] stayed up all night thinking about you

[someone] wants to get to know you better [someone] trusts you

[someone] needs your support [someone] loves you for who you are

That Someone is Me, Girl...

Apa sih yang udah kita buat di usia 20-an...

Pernah kepikiran gak, apa yang udah Kita perbuat di usia 20-an??

Nih misalnya orang - orang yang di usia 20-an sudah berhasil :
  • Linus Torvalds sudah bisa bikin OS Linux di usia 20 tahunan...
  • Di usia belasan tahun, Susanto Megaranto sudah bisa jadi master catur...
  • dan Britney Spears yang sudah sedemikian terkenal di usia 18 tahun...
So, bagaimana dengan kita..??
Apakah di usia 20 tahun kita sudah bisa menciptakan sesuatu seperi apa yang dilakukan Linus Torvalds.???
Apakah kita memiliki keahlian tertentu seperti si master catur Susanto Megaranto..???
ataukah kita sudah bisa seterkenal Britney Spears..???

Well..Balik ke background pendidikan kita.
Untuk ukuran anak yang kuliah, apakah kita sudah memenuhi kriteria kewajaran?
Gak usah jauh-jauh deh, apakah kita sudah memenuhi amanat yang dikasih sama ortu kita untuk belajar dengan baik?

Apa kita bayar amanat itu dengan IP yang bakalan buat mereka puas..??
atau kita gunakan amanat itu untuk mencari temen yang banyak, punya waktu untuk becanda dan hura2 semata...??
Wah...gua jadi sok nasehatin ya guys .... Tapi sumpah, gua lagi ngerenungin hal ini nih....Persiapan jadi bapak euy hihihi

Gua ambil contoh diri sendiri aja deh (ga bermaksud untuk pamer lho ),
di usia 21 tahun ini, gua yang udah semester 8 di Fakultas Kedokteran UNSRAT Manado, Hanya bisa melakukan hal-hal seperti:
  • Sirkumsisi (Sunatan)..
  • Ngukur Tensi..
  • Nyuntik...
  • Ngasih rekomendasi obat ke teman yang sakit (walaupun belum semua obat gua tahu)...

Kalau kalian dah nonton film "Pirates of Silicon Valley", kisah nyata Bill Gates Sama Steve Jobs, suer gua jadi iri sekaligus minder. Di Usia 20an mereka berani buat perusahaan. Steve Jobs dan Steve Wozniak mendirikan Apple (perusahaan komputer Mac/Apple).
Hebat ya....
Trus Bill Gates bareng Paul Allen dan Steve Ballmer gak takut dirikan Microsoft.
Kita di usia 20an udah bisa apa ya..??
Bisa chating..? facebookan..?? Twitteran..?? bisa ngejebol biling sistem warnet biar Online gratis..? bisa ngejebol email orang..? bisa bolos kuliah.?? apa pacaran doank..??
Semuanya kalo dibandingin sama mereka kayaknya gak ada seujung kuku pun ya..???

So, yang mau gua sharing dengan kalian semua.,
kita harus ngapain ya untuk bisa jadi lebih baik..???

"Barang siapa yang hari ini lebih baik dari kemarin, maka dia termasuk orang yang beruntung. Barang siapa yang hari ini sama dengan kemarin, maka dia termasuk orang yang merugi. dan barang siapa yang hari ini lebih buruk dari kemarin, maka dia termasuk orang yang dilaknat"

Guys, let's make our self better...
Semua orang pasti punya target, kalau kamu belum punya buruan buat dari sekarang..
Apapun background kamu saat ini, jangan takut...
Break the rule, open your mind!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Superman vs. Hope

I've been heading in the wrong direction
Hiding from my own protection
Running but my heart was standing still
I guess you saw the light inside me
Your love has been a torch to guide me
I hope I can be all that you deserve

Well I'm no superman

But I'll love you that best I can
And you know I'm just flesh and bones, but with you
I feel I'm flying
Don't you know I'm no superman
But I'll always be your man

I was searching for a heart that's beating

As fast as the way I'm feeling
Trying to find some peace there in my soul
You know it was your love that saved me
The answer to my prayers you gave me
And I hope I'll be all you deserve

I'd fight for you

I'd die for you
You know I would
Hold back the night, light up the sky
Oh if I could, I'll always be your man...yeah
(Superman by Ronan Keating)

When life's got you down and you can't make a sound
Cause love has forsaken you
When you burning on fire but have no desire
To put out the flames in

You gotta have hope
You gotta have something
There's always a reason to break
Cause nothing less
Will save the day

When you are in pain then step of the train
Nobody's waiting for you
You can knock down each door of all metaphors
Or embrace the cold hard truth

But you gotta have hope
You gotta have something
there's always a reason to break
Cause nothing less
Will save the day

I see that look in your eyes
I've seen it before
Each to our own disguise
If you need me babe
You're not alone, no, no

When life's got you down and you can't make a sound
cause despair has stolen your song
but raise up your fist and into the abyss
Scream,"Coward, get of my lawn"

There's always a reason to break
Cause nothing less will save the day
(Hope by Five For Fighting)

- Love that Songs -
- Love every single of their Words -
- Love every single of their Rhythm -
Nice Song....

Download :

Ronan Keating - Superman

Five for Fighting - Hope

Nice Pict 'bout Love (Part 2)

Download Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I (2010) DVDrip

udah pada nonton
Harry potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 kan..???
pasti dong..
udah punya koleksi filmnya ga...?????


ya udah, buat yang ga punya bisa download nih di sini..

*yuk, Monggo...


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 (2010) DVDRip
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows : Part 1
AVI | English | 672x304 | XviD - 1421kbps | Audio - 128kbps | 470 MB
Kualitas DVDRip [ ga tau artinya??? cari tahu Di sini ]
Subtitle Indonesia

Info Film ::klik di sini::


Download via

Monggo disedot filmnya Guys..

New Official Picture

Hello Guys...
This is my "new official picture"..
exclusive dari blog ini..


so check it out..

(click to enlarge)